How It Works with Natural Trace

NaturalTag is our 100% natural, inert, food-grade bio-barcode, added in very small quantities (ppm level) at a uniquely identified point in your supply chain not limited to:



Ingredients Manufacture

Finished Product Manufacture



The NaturalTag ingredient, in liquid or powdered form, is seamlessly integrated into an existing process such as spraying, blending, mixing, or bottling. Product numbers or batch information are then uploaded to our digital platform, NaturalCloud.

Depending on where the NaturalTag is added in the supply chain, our customers have the flexibility to test for it using NaturalDetect at any desired point.

NaturalDetect utilises targeted qPCR testing to identify each unique NaturalTag, providing results that are linked to product information in NaturalCloud. This enables comprehensive monitoring and verification of product authenticity, ensuring the highest levels of quality and safety.

Each application is unique, and we have extensive experience with various food, beverage, and supplement matrices. Our team is ready to advise and collaborate with you to understand how our tagging and surveillance technology can be proactively integrated

Natural Trace ensures that your problem will be resolved with a customized solution


Speak with our friendly and knowledgeable team to learn more about our services, pricing, and implementation process. We work together with you to understand your supply chain goals. Natural Trace offers a compatibility assessment and testing to meet your specific needs.


We offer customization options, including calculating the number of unique NaturalTags required, developing tailored surveillance and monitoring plans, and integrating branding elements with existing traceability systems.


Our team will work closely with you to implement the solution where you need it. This plan will outline key milestones, including trials, responsibilities, and timelines for deploying the technology into your supply chain and operations.

Let's Start Your Journey

to Achieve the Provenance Story of Your Product with Natural Trace

Alrik Tan

Research and Product Development

  • Drive Scientific Research, Product Innovation and Technology Commercialisation
  • Multi-disciplinary experience across Genomics and Diagnostic Medical Devices
  • Biomedical Science (UWA, Aus) and Innovation & IP Management (SUSS, SG)

Alrik Tan

Research and Product Development

  • Drive Scientific Research, Product Innovation and Technology Commercialisation.

  • Multi-disciplinary experience across Genomics and Diagnostic Medical Devices.

  • Biomedical Science (UWA, Aus) and Innovation & IP Management (SUSS, SG).